Monday, March 23, 2009


There are no magic bullets and a lot of very smart people have been working the problem over passionately. In recent years, a revolutionary organic environmental technology rooted in millions of years of evolution has emerged that harnesses Mother Nature's tiniest creatures in a unique way to effectively reverse environmental degradation, eliminate toxic pollutants and create sustainable ecosystems naturally. This technology has been proven to clean up any toxic environment it has been challenged to work in - from household hygiene to soil contaminated with heavy metals. Its applications are almost unlimited. It spans industries and cultures. It provides hope for safe drinking water to millions who live every day in sickness and disease. It has been shown to convert putrefying matter into organic fertilizer and composts. It enables industry to effectively recycle solid waste and wastewater. It can restore land to fertile and vital states for agriculture. It can clean up polluted waters and has already cleaned up an inlet sea some twenty miles across and hundreds of miles long.
It is now a matter of large scale adoption and implementation. Hope and vision at Organic Environmental Technology is to see this technology used broadly and immediately in every home in every factory and like huge global intra-venous nutrient injections rekindling life at the headwaters of every major river and along all the major ocean currents.
There are a variety of creatures living on this planet of all shapes and sizes. But in the case of this technology, the smallest creatures are the heroes of the story. Microorganisms are nature's tiny heroes or villains depending on the role they play. They are indeed small, even the biggest one measures only about one tenth of 1 mm. Microorganisms live in the ground, in water, in the air, and inside our bodies and the bodies of other creatures. You can find them anywhere. What they lack in size they make up in numbers. If you consider that of the 3 million different kinds of creatures living on this planet we humans only make up a portion of the 4,300 mammals (only 0.1% of the total). Compare this to the fact that there are over 700,000 different kinds of microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc.) that have been identified to date. What's more, the total weight of all the microorganisms on the earth is estimated to be about 25 times that of all other animals living on the land and in water combined.
To understand their potential power it is important to review a little bit of our planetary history. The earth is thought to have begun about 4.6 billion years ago as hot melting rock that gradually cooled. Then about 4 billion years ago the oceans formed and the first creatures on earth were born. The seas contained algae and organisms that ate toxins such as carbon dioxide and expelled oxygen as a byproduct. Over time our atmosphere was created by this process and the oxygen and ozone layers were formed. The sea was very acidic but gradually changed by the efforts of these microorganisms. Eventually an environment in which plants and animals could live came about.
Microorganisms were here doing good long before man as we know him today had a chance to muck up the joint. Perhaps man can humble himself long enough to accept some help from these little miracle workers and learn a few things in the process about living for the greater good and adopting living habits that benefit and sustain the environment. Responsibility and accountability go hand in hand here. For reasons of necessity alone we need to take action now to give the future generation half a fighting chance at survival.
Our everyday life is completely filled with microorganisms. Microorganisms play an integral part of life, cleaning or contaminating water, treating or causing diseases, enhancing or rotting foods - among other things. One well known role of microorganisms is that of a decomposer - rotting dead plant and dead animal bodies and returning them to the soil. However, microorganisms also play a key role in our daily lives.
Some kinds of microorganisms help us, but other kinds give us trouble. Among microorganisms, there are good bacteria which help humans and bad bacteria which harm humans. Good bacteria clean water, produce cheese, bread etc. and are of help to human health. Bad bacteria contaminate soil, pollute water and air. They cause sickness and disease and degrade human health.
In rivers and the sea, good microorganisms decompose fallen leaves, dead fish, and other pollutants and nurture the ecosystem with abundant life. However, in rivers and the sea which humans have contaminated, bad microorganisms increase and cause sludge and red tides.
Humans have utilized microorganisms in various forms. Cheese, bread and beer are produced by the work of microorganisms. In addition, drugs such as penicillin are produced by microorganisms.
In our body, a large variety of microorganisms exist. Microorganisms in our bodies (called "enteric bacteria") are known to help smoothly digest foods ingested.
Some microorganisms eat contaminants in water. Sewage treatment plants used for collecting and cleaning contaminated water utilize microorganisms.
Microorganisms can treat raw garbage. Raw garbage generated in kitchens putrefies if they are left as they are. This is the work of bad bacteria that putrefy foods. However, placing good bacteria in raw garbage prevents raw garbage from putrefying and produces good material that can be used as a natural fertilizer.
Let's think where raw garbage goes. If you think it just enough to "simply eliminate" raw garbage from the front of your eyes, all you have to do is to take out the trash on the garbage collection day, and then, the person in charge carries away raw garbage for treatment. However, incinerating raw garbage thereafter generates dioxin and landfilling raw garbage generates putrefaction gas, or various other problems are caused.
Microorganisms can protect farmlands. Pesticides used for killing disease and insect pests, herbicides used for killing weeds and chemical fertilizers for promoting growth of crops are used routinely in farming. These agricultural chemicals are poisons in that they get in the food chain, ground water, rivers and oceans and cause untold damage to human and animal health - not to mention they strip the soil of its ability to nourish plants creating a dependency not unlike a drug dealer pushing drugs. As far as we are concerned this agricultural substance abuse is a hidden menace in society. Agricultural chemicals damage both farmers who spray agricultural chemicals and the people who eat the vegetables and fruits grown with agricultural chemicals - and the downstream environments, river and oceans.
Chemical fertilizers degrade soil and cause desertification. Herbicides and pesticides not only kill microorganisms and small animals in the soil but also pollute air and water, leading to destruction of the eco-system. Agricultural chemicals are ultimately harmful to humans.
For these reasons organic farming has been on the increase; but, because no agricultural chemicals are used, of a lot of time and effort is required to manually removing insect pests and weeds. However, the use of microorganisms greatly helps with this and enables organic farmers to produce tasty vegetables and fruits with less labor hours.
Some of the benefits are:
Insect pest control by microorganisms
Vegetables refreshed with microorganisms
Soft and fluffy soil with microorganisms
Long-lasting flowers
Weed control by activities of microorganisms
Useful microorganisms also support safe livestock practices. Meat and fish are a staple diet for most of the world yet feeds for livestock and farmed fish contain various drugs to suppress or prevent diseases. The ingredients of these drugs can remain in the animal's meat and may have a possibility of adversely affecting our bodies. In addition, odors in livestock barns and wastewater have detrimental effects on the animals' health and the surrounding environment.
Though the livestock industry has many and diverse problems, many of these problems can be solved by utilizing useful microorganisms. Microorganisms efficiently decompose contamination in livestock barns producing a clean environment and achieve the condition in which livestock are healthy and greatly reduce or eliminate the need for expensive antibiotic drugs. In this way, meat that we consume can be safely produced.
Useful microorganisms have various powers: power to clean rivers and lakes, power to fertilize soil, power to prevent production of offensive odors and the power to keep livestock healthy.
Raw garbage generated from the home can be converted to good-quality fertilizer to grow flowers and vegetables by treating it with useful microorganisms. Vegetables grown by this fertilizer are healthy and are less susceptible to damage by insect pests.
As the volume of raw garbage decreases at home the volume of garbage collection decreases. When this happens, the volume of garbage incinerated at garbage treatment plants also decreases.
Wastewater discharged from hotels can all be treated and recycled. "After we began to use useful microorganisms, we were surprised to know that we no longer needed chemicals of more then 1,000 kg per month which we used to use for disinfecting water. The purified water is recycled for flush water of lavatories in the hotel, for watering lawns and palm trees, and for cooling water of air-conditioners. The water is recycled many times and no contaminated water is discharged to the sea."
Large quantity of agricultural chemicals are used in golf courses to protect turf from disease and insect pests. These agricultural chemicals flow into the ground water, rivers, lakes and on into the ocean. When using organic environmental technology in various places on the golf course the amount of agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizers used is fast reduced. In addition, mowed turf and raw garbage can also be recycled.
There are seemingly endless applications for this organic environmental technology.
We welcome your help, participation and support in getting this revolutionary organic environmental technology in broad use.

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